Course curriculum

    1. Before You Begin: Clarify Your "Mini-Mission"

    2. Lesson: The Big Picture

    3. Exercise: Stepping Back

    1. Day 2: Your First Breakthrough

    2. Exercise 2: Stepping Into the 3rd Chakra

    1. Day 3: Our Single Point of Control

    2. Exercise: Stepping Back with Guiding Hands

    1. Day 4: The Stories We Tell Ourselves

    2. Exercise: The Three Magic Phrases

    1. Day 5: Our Secret Weapon Against Stress & Negativity

    2. Exercise: A Symbol of Resonance

    1. Day 6: The Hidden Power To Change Our Thoughts

    2. Exercise: I Am Well

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 16 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content