You Will Learn...

Learn how thoughts really do create your reality, and leverage a few simple ideas to start creating radical transformation in your life.

  • How Thoughts Create Reality

  • What Resonance Is and Why It Matters

  • The Mechanics of Vibration and How The Law of Attraction Works

  • How to Follow Your Joy in Every Moment

  • Practical Exercises to Apply The Law of Attraction to Your Life.

Course curriculum

    1. The Simple Secrets of Effortless Manifestation

    2. The Basic Principles of Attraction

    3. Working With The Law of Attraction

    4. Making The Most of The Workshop

    1. Thoughts Create Reality

    2. Exercise: Observing the Impact of Thought

    3. What Is Resonance?

    4. The Key to Intuitive Knowing

    5. Guided Meditation and Thought Exercise

    6. How To Gain Control of Your Thoughts

    7. Moving Thoughts Into Alignment

    8. Exercise: Pick a Thought Every Minute

    9. Using Momentum To Overcome Resistance

    10. Exercise: Echo Affirmations Using The 3 Magic Phrases

    1. The Mechanics of Vibration

    2. Exercise: "Seeing" Vibration

    3. Viewing Life in Terms of Energy

    4. Exercise: Correlating Energy and Outcome

    5. Trusting Synchronicity

    6. Common Obstacles to Manifestation

    7. Training Vibrational Muscle

    8. Exercise: The Game of Manifestation

    9. The Trail of Excitement

    1. Prioritizing Your Happiness

    2. Starting a Meditation Habit

    3. Exercise: Stepping Back to Breathe

    4. Exercise: Create a Happy List

    5. Next Steps: Where Do I Go From Here?

About this course

  • $99.99
  • 28 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Simple Secrets for Effortless Manifestation

Learn How The Law of Attraction Really Works, Attract the Wealth You Deserve, and Create More Prosperity in Your Life.